Hepworth – Artist in Society 1948-53

St Albans Town Hall, I have described in the past as the ugliest building in England. Maybe unfair but growing up and going to school there, seeing the decaying mock classical edifice on a daily basis informed my view. Can you imagine my delight now seeing it in its new form as twenty-first century Art…

Jeff Koons at Oxford

The Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, claims in its introduction, to be the world’s oldest purpose built public museum; founded in the world’s oldest University (in the English speaking world.) The initial collection was based on the curios assembled by the Tradescant  dynasty in Lambeth, in the seventeenth century. It was opened by Elias Ashmole in…

Hepworth – The Conclusion

Barbara Hepworth, as my followers will by now know, is one of my favourite modern artists. I find her sculpture full of power and emotion and I also enjoyed researching the Hepworth Wakefield, David Chipperfield’s award winning gallery. While Hepworth’s sculpture is ubiquitous her paintings are much harder to find as they appear from quite…

April Painting of the Month

I have been a little late posting a new painting for this month but definitely worth the wait, I hope you agree. The header painting is detail fromTrio ( Surgeons and Theatre Sister) or The Conclusion, 1948, by Barabara Hepworth from her Hospital Drawings series.