Easter Day – St Giles Oxford

Welcome everyone to a very sunny Easter in lockdown. I thought a modern painting might be appropriate. I have always recommended to people to see The Menorah if they are visiting Oxford. Roger Wagner, like Giotto seven hundred years earlier, chose to represent this most Christian of images using contemporary language. The cooling towers, which…

Luke (1980-2020)

This morning was the funeral of my lovely nephew, Luke, after a long battle with cancer. The occasion was sad enough anyway, without the awfulness of not being able to join the family to share our goodbyes. We lit a candle in the front window and it has burnt brightly all day. We miss you…

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday and the sun is shining brightly. We were to have a parade in our village this morning with donkeys and a congregation singing hymns in the streets. It will now be an online service on our own. But the message of peace and hope still reign supremely as we enter Holy Week. As…